Leather Roses$20.00PriceExcluding Sales Tax | ShippingA gorgeous engraved rose design on a leather circle with finished and hand burnished edges.Measures 1.6" across and hangs 2.5" in drop length. Stainless steel leverback hooks are the topping on the cake. Handcrafted by Itsadenise. QuantityOnly 1 left in stockAdd to CartBuy Now
Leather Roses$20.00PriceExcluding Sales Tax | ShippingA gorgeous engraved rose design on a leather circle with finished and hand burnished edges.Measures 1.6" across and hangs 2.5" in drop length. Stainless steel leverback hooks are the topping on the cake. Handcrafted by Itsadenise. QuantityOnly 1 left in stockAdd to CartBuy Now